He ran up stupendous debts through his extravagant lifestyle.

10 Best Exfoliations for Natural Skin

  • Sophia
  • 83
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Thankfully, Mother Nature has provided us with radiant ingredients that miraculously transform our skin without the need for chemicals.

Sometimes, store-bought exfoliating product can be overly harsh on skin, or sometimes not effective at all. Luckily, mother nature has provided us with some radiance-boosting ingredients that don’t need any chemicals to give your skin a miracle makeover.   

1. Papaya on its own is a fantastic exfoliator. And why is that? This is due to the key enzyme Papain, which helps slough dead cells off our face.

Papaya | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

2. Baking soda isn’t just useful for cleaning around the house. It removes dead skin with ease while remaining gentle on irritated skin.  Make a paste comprised of water and baking soda or mix it in with your cleanser.

Baking soda | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

3. Brown sugar does wonders and is finely ground, so it won’t be as strong as salt. Sugar also contains trace amounts of glycolic acid, which cleans pores and work on fine lines. Just mix one tablespoon with oil.

Brown sugar | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

4. Ground rice is an unusual exfoliate that is popularly used in Korea, in items such as rice cleansers. Ground rice can absorb lots of excess oil and dead skin cells, keeping your skin radiant. Blend with honey into a paste.

Ground rice  | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

5. Apple cider vinegar has been a miraculous powerhouse for our internal and external system for centuries. Thanks to the natural alphahydroxy acids found in it, dead skin cells fall out with ease. Simply soak a cotton ball with it and apply it to your face and décolletage.

Apple cider vinegar  | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

6. Oatmeal is an effective but gentle exfoliator that is optimal for sensitive skin. It contains moisturizing properties and is anti inflammatory as well. Just blend three tablespoons with some honey and organic milk.

Oatmeal  | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

7. Sea salt is naturally abrasive and contains important minerals to retain moisture better, promote cell growth, and wake up tired skin. Mix it with coconut or olive oil for a hearty scrub.

 Sea salt | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

8. Ground coffee is also a mild abrasive that won’t damage skin layers underneath. The boost of caffeine helps your face wake up and decreases puffiness while tightening skin and filling it with nourishing antioxidants.

Ground coffee  | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

9. Milk might not be abrasive, but due to enzymes in tactic acid, it has the same effect as a peel. Pour a small amount on your palm and massage it into your skin. It is best to use organic whole milk.

Milk | 10 Best Natural Skin Exfoliators | Her Beauty

10. Lemons and other citrus fruits like grapefruit make for very effective natural exfoliators. Combine this citrus juice with yogurt for an exfoliator that has brightening properties and helps ease the appearance of dark spots.