The city lifestyle seems to suit her – she’s certainly looking very well.

These delicious raw vegan cakes are works of art that you can eat

  • Jonathan
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Look at these cakes. Each petal is made with care and love...

Going vegan is great, it’s good for you and for the planet, but let’s be honest, when we think of vegan food we imagine lots of salad and fruits and some nuts and seeds. But actually there’s much more vegan options out there. Vegan burgers, vegan chocolates, vegan cheese, all sorts of vegan junk food, even Oreos are vegan. But did you know you can actually get pretty incredible looking and delicious tasting vegan cakes if you know where to look for them.



CulinaryDots is a great Instagram account you might want to follow if you’re on the lookout for great vegan cakes. Julianna – the chef, lives and works in Berlin. She creates these amazing vegan cakes out of organic ingredients and they’re not only delicious and vegan, but they’re also raw, which means you get more nutrients.

Juliana also has a website where you can contact her and order a catering service for your birthday, wedding, or any other kind of celebration, or just cause you feel like having some delicious raw vegan food. Juliana does cakes, pies, vegan sushi, and all sorts of vegan foods. She also shares quite a few recipes, that you can try and recreate in the comfort of your own home.



But the main thing that we wanted to showcase are her cakes. They truly are works of art. So go ahead, take a look, and who knows, maybe next thing you know you’ll be going to Berlin to try these sweet raw desserts.

Just look at these cakes. Every petal is made with such care and such love.



Each flower looks so real and so perfect. It’s hard to believe it’s not decorated with real flowers.

How delicious does this look? Those little roses are so freaking cute.



These cakes are almost too pretty to eat. It’s like an edible flower arrangement.

Here’s where the name ‘culinary dots” comes in. Just look at those pretty polka dot cakes.



Those flowers look so lifelike. Why would you even want to order a wedding cake decorated with real roses if you can get this edible goodness. And the pineapple cake looks rather whimsical, don’t you think?

Roses and polkadots seem to be either the most requested, or just Juliane’s favorite way of decorating.



And once you combine roses and polka dots – you see that it’s a winning combination.