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4 trends that change hair color

  • Natalie
  • 83
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“Ties and dyes” and “pubic hair” are trending, and platinum pink and red are trending…. A few tips before changing hair color.


Changing hair color: the gentle method

"Before taking the plunge, we ask the right questions, advises Romain, colorist. Is it a real temptation or just a whim of the moment? It would almost require documentation, leaf through several magazines to define his style, his desire. To begin with, you can change without a ball by lightening just one semitone and focusing on the lengths and ends (the "shaded hair"). "Color should not be experienced as a disguise but rather as an extension of oneself", insists Andrea Soldano of Yes by Andrea. We respect his style and his complexion. By avoiding the root effect, soft or tone-on-tone stains help prevent trapping. If necessary, we will support the nuance later.

"It is imperative to go through a colorist, especially if it is the first time that change of color, advises Frederic Mennetrier, expert of the nude colo. In addition to a controlled application, the pro knows better than anyone to harmonize. Our vision is distorted, we always see more clearly, especially in the fall, when the lengths were sunny during the holidays. As for the addicts of coloring, they will each time retain the references of the previous shade so that the hairdresser can easily adapt to it.
