They lead an extremely lavish lifestyle.

Charlene Wittstock, the Queen of Hair Transformations!

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When she does not hide her hair under a bathing cap, the South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock, who will soon marry Prince Albert of Monaco, likes to alternate chic hairstyles (brushing, low bun, buckles, shell ...) and casual hairstyles (ponytail, short square, short haircut ...). Discover the 10 most beautiful hairstyles of Charlene Wittsock.


Charlene Wittstock likes to change her mind! The future wife of Prince Albert of Monaco has multiplied the hairstyles during his official appearances. But over time, the most observant will have noticed that Charlene Wittstock has been able to assert her hair style and color.

Rather discreet at the beginning of her relationship with Prince Albert of Monaco, Charlene Wittstock favors simple haircuts, such as short squares or loose hair. Then, as her involvement in rock worldliness increases, the South African swimmer tests almost every hairstyle possible, ranging from external brushing to spikes to boyish short cuts, through notched loops or setting sauerkraut !

All these more or less successful experiments allowed Charlene Wittstock to find her hair identity. The princess of modern times now displays a bright ash blond, which puts more value in its rosy complexion than its previous platinum blonde or Californian blonde colorations. The hairstyles of the fiancee of Prince Albert of Monaco, like the half-tail or the low bun, are more distinguished and better adapted to his rank.

We do not know yet with what hairstyle Charlene Wittstock will parade on the forecourt of the church during the religious wedding, July 2 next. But unlike Kate Middleton, she should favor a sophisticated hairstyle. Farewell, then, the plastic swim cap!

Photo caption: Charlene Wittstock's low bun.
