His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.

Discover Essential Oils

  • Justin
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essential oils are more than just beautiful scents. These powerful botanical extracts are the answer to flawless, younger-looking skin, smooth, lustrous hair, and even sore muscles. 1. Peach kernel oil is used in many beauty products for skin, especially anti-aging


Discover Essential Oils
Essential oils are not just nice scents, these powerful plant extracts are your path to the perfect and young skin, smooth and shiny hair, and are even muscle pain solution.



1. Peach kernel oil
1. Peach kernel oil is a very popular ingredient used in many beauty products for the skin, especially, anti-aging ones. Peach kernel oil is full of vitamin E, A (beta-carotene) and B-group. It’s easily absorbed by the skin without any discomfort. If you’re looking for an anti-wrinkle eye cream and suffering from dark circles and wrinkles around your eyes, choose a cream that contains peach kernel oil. It will help you avoid skin moisture loss and provide the desired anti-aging effect.



2. Coconut Oil
2. Coconut Oil. Every girl dreams of beautiful, healthy-looking hair. Are you still spending a lot of money on expensive hair treatments? Yes, they may really be effective, but we’ve found another, more inexpensive solution! 100% natural, coconut oil performs much better than almost any of the products you can find in stores. It works well with dry, damaged hair providing nourishment and also reducing hair loss and dandruff. The treatment involves a few tablespoons of coconut oil. Brush your hair and massage the oil into your scalp and through the hair. Wrap your hair into a hot towel and leave it for an hour or over night. After that, shampoo your hair like you usually do. To get rid of that oily feeling, you might need to shampoo it twice.



3. Rosehip Oil (Rosa Mosqueta)
3. Rosehip Oil (Rosa Mosqueta) is one of the best treatments that helps to get rid of wrinkles, scars, burns and acne. This natural product is able to heal almost anything! Make sure the product you’ve chosen is good quality, pure and unscented. Apply Rosehip Oil twice a day for a few months to reduce the ageing process, attenuate different kinds of scars, acne scars, burns and other skin damage. The results will astound you!



4. Carrot Seed Oil
4. Carrot Seed Oil. This soft and sweet scented essential oil obtained from wild carrots is able to smooth and regenerate skin, prevent it from wrinkling and works as a natural skin toner. How to use it: remember that you shouldn’t apply essential oil itself on your face. Choose face masks and lotions that contain carrot seed oil along with other natural ingredients. Also, you can make a face mask by yourself: mix 2-3 boiled and mashed carrots with 4 tbsp honey to achieve creamy consistency. Add a few drops of olive oil for a thinner substance. Cool down your mask and apply it for about 10 minutes.



5. Almond Oil
5. Almond Oil. Dark under-eye circles are a very common problem that women face. Expensive treatments don’t always work so it is time to prevent and reduce them naturally. The best solution to the problem would be natural almond oil. It is a perfect moisturizer and skin lightener. Before going to bed, apply a small amount of almond oil around your eye and gently massage it into your skin. You can wash it off or leave it on overnight and remove it in the morning. For the best effect, follow this simple daily routine.



6. Rosemary Oil
6. Rosemary Oil. Your gym training was totally worth it but the next day you just can’t get out of bed because of the muscle pain. I face this situation almost every time after hard workouts. And rosemary oil is a perfect solution to the problem. It has good analgesic and antispasmodic properties and stimulates blood circulation perfectly. How to apply: mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and massage the substance on problem areas. Apply rosemary oil on muscles if you want to warm up, stretch and energize them before your workout.

It is important to remember: it is better not to use most of the essential oils during pregnancy. If you got used to or have a strong need of using them, be sure and consult with your doctor first. Also, don’t forget to perform allergy testing.


