He doesn’t have a very healthy lifestyle.

Lifting: Are you ready?

  • Natalie
  • 45
  • 0

As we age, our weight fluctuates and our bodies change, our skin relaxes, sags and wrinkles. Even with regular use of care and creams, sometimes the result is not satisfactory. A facelift looks like the ideal solution. But are you ready to go?



A facelift is to tighten the skin and thus correct the effects of time through a surgical procedure. It is not to be taken lightly! Made for an aesthetic purpose, it can help you better live your daily life by reshaping your appearance, including your face. But other parts of the body can also lend themselves to it: the thighs, the buttocks ... Depending on the state of the region to be treated, the procedure will not be the same. In some cases, a simple facelift at the corner of the eyes and cheekbones will suffice. In other situations, cervico-facial lifting (jowls and neck) or frontal may be beneficial. Depending on the desired results, the doctor will determine the nature of the act. The goal is still to achieve a natural result, especially when it comes to the face that must retain its expressions. The facelift is an act that is hardly considered before 40 years for this area of ​​the body.


The facelift is an act that must be thought out and prepared with care. First of all, the surgeon's choice is paramount. Speak to a qualified and experienced professional who can advise, guide and accompany you throughout the process. Know also that the operation is not refunded if it is carried out in a purely aesthetic will. The case is different for restorative surgeries. If the intervention lasts only a few hours, know that it will take ten days before being able to resume a normal activity, especially professional. The operated area remains inflated the time of the healing period. Bruising and loss of sensitivity are possible in the first month. Caution: smokers should be prepared to stop smoking about six weeks before the procedure to facilitate healing.


Like any intervention, the facelift can present some risks. If hematomas are common, infections are very rare and treated with antibiotics. It is an act that changes an area of ​​your body. The disappointments are therefore possible. Know that the facelift will not smooth your skin and eliminate all imperfections. Again, good communication with your surgeon is especially important.


Finally, before you start: take time to think calmly! This period of reflection will allow you to make the right choice and live well your facelift. Know that after the operation, natural aging resumes. It will be possible for you to make others several years later.
