My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary.

4 Tips for Washing Clothes

  • Leo
  • 59
  • 0

Washing clothes is an art. Off-white linens, dirty tablecloths, t-shirts that lose their shine... All the tricks you need to know about linen are always on top.


Taking care of your clothes is not always obvious. Washing your laundry at the right wash temperatures is sometimes not enough to remove a stain resistant, or to avoid the loss of color brilliance. Yet, with each problem its solution. Here are 4 tips to follow.

For white sheets that are gray

It's almost inevitable ... over time, white sheets (and other white textiles) tend to turn gray. But this is not inevitable. So that our laundry stays white white, just put 2 tablespoons of percarbonate (a recognized whitening agent) directly into the drum of the machine. Either you buy it pure (Starwax sodium percarbonate, 5.90 € for 500g), or you opt for other products that contain it (Sanytol whitening powder, 5.90 €). You can also use one or two bags of baking powder or half a glass of baking soda , but the result is a little less effective.

For a tablecloth full of spots

The stains of wine and fat are the hardest to make go. Yet here again, there are many solutions. If our tablecloth is white, using a toothbrush , brush the stains with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. The slick is then slipped into the washing machine. If our tablecloth is colored, we apply rather white vinegar or Terre de Sommières (Starwax, 5.70 €) before washing. This avoids halos on the colors.

For clothes to keep their color

The bright colors are often the most fragile when washing, especially when the textiles are not very good quality. Sometimes red , blue or dark colors lose their luster when washed. To fix the colors of our clothes, we plunge the laundry for 10 to 15 minutes in a basin of warm water with a handful of coarse salt or 25 ml of white vinegar. It is rinsed, allowed to dry and then machine-washed, preferably with an anti-discoloration wipe to prevent any accidents.

To recover a felted cashmere

It is soaked for 1 hour in a basin by covering "flower" water and adding a glass of wool repairer (Care woolen repair, Nuncas, € 6.90 500 ml on ). And to dry his cashmere , it is stretched gently. Obviously, especially no dryer !
