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Emoji Brings Happiness Home Emoji invaded

  • Leo
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SMS conversations, and now they're indoors... The proof is in the pictures. Emojis are everywhere.


What is an emoji?

Small round faces that smile, who cry, who laugh at tears, but also everyday objects like baby bottles, cameras .... Emoticons (or emojis) have become a new universally understood language. So much so that in 2015 Oxford Dictionary (the equivalent of Robert for the English language) had elected "word of the year" the emoji laughing to tears. A height. A little as if we came back to the time of the Egyptian hieroglyphs ... In any case, on social networks emojis punctuate our messages, or even replace the words to signify an intention or a mood. And it's usually very well understood. Born in Japan , they now replace abbreviations like the famous "LOL" or "MDR" . It is the Unicode consortium that manages the emergence of new emojis . But currently we see clearly new initiatives to put more and more small images in our courier. Even Apple has announced that on iMessage, there would be more playful effects (probably inspired by what is done on Snapchat). And DIY bloggers like Natacha Birds make tutorials to customize her business with home-made emojis.

The new emoji trends objects

In addition to invading our wildest discussions , emojis now elect domicile in our homes. The lighthouse emoticon remains the smiley (the smiling yellow face) that inspired many decorating signs as Hema or the 3 Swiss. It is found on cups, lamps, bed textiles .... But we also see more and more other emojis: watermelon or "poo" (the emoji symbolizing the poop), the unicorn, fishing (= Kim Kardashian!). Each time, it's a dose of good humor. Not bad in these morose times.

Fill up on inspirations with our slideshow of 12 objects displaying emoticons, spotted on Pinterest!
