She had to change her lifestyle and eating habits.

Fast-growing climbing plants

  • Sophia
  • 24
  • 0

Hide your balcony grill, scale your fence, decorate your trellis or pergola... Fast-growing plants are waiting for you!


Climbing nasturtium, Spanish beans (for its flowers and crops), Japanese hops, Indian feather (Mina lobata), sweet peas, volubilis or ipomea ... These climbing flowers offered in seeds are just waiting Try the challenge !

Their eagerness to sprout amazes young and old!
In less than a week, they come out of the ground . A month later, they will have already grown one meter, and doubled their size the following month. The blooms are spread between July and September-October.
When to sow? In June, to enjoy it before the end of the summer. The first outdoor seedlings may start in mid-May, for earlier flowering.
To go faster ...
Soak the seeds for 24 hours in a glass of water before sowing them directly into a large pot (35 to 40 cm deep) filled with potting soil . 5 to 6 seeds are enough to garnish about 1 m long and 2 m high. Install the supports - trellis, stake, fence - before sowing. The young shoots will be able to wrap themselves on their departure ... dazzling. We can also buy plants ready to bloom (in garden centers , horticulturists ...). Practical for the impatient or the latecomers.
After that ?
Water (a lot and regularly), bring soluble fertilizer (moderately) and watch for aphid attacks (carefully). Do not forget the most effective " organic " treatment against these: a teaspoon of black soap diluted in 1 liter of water spray. In early fall, these annual climbers will complete their cycle and will have to be torn off.

Bignone, clematis, dipladenia, star jasmine, golden hops, gloriosa, passionflower, Cape plumbago, Suzanne with black eyes ... Sold in pot, delivered with a little guardian and already in bloom, they already have a lot of effect from their arrival!

How to use them?
Their original pot is still too narrow for them to reach their optimum size. Repot them as soon as possible in a large tank (35 to 40 cm deep) or in the ground in the garden, in a mixture of garden soil and soil enriched with long - term fertilizer (Osmocote and organic fertilizer). Gently remove the rods from their guardian to direct them on the support to be dressed (trellis, screen, railing ...).
For a quick effect
In a month, these climbing tonic will double in size, both in width and height. Do not hesitate to carve them to avoid uncontrolled escapades. From early July to mid-August, feed them once a week with a soluble fertilizer. Their twining stems will naturally wrap on their support.
After that ?
These climbers have the advantage of being a little less greedy in watering than the annual species to be sown. Unlike the latter, they will bloom every year provided however to install them in a protected place and to get inside the most fragile of them (dipladénia and Suzanne with black eyes).

Nurseries Travers, 45650, Saint-Jean-le-Blanc. Such. : 02 38 66 13 70.
Seeds Baumaux, B. 100, 54062, Nancy. Phone: 03 83 15 86 86.
