Her dream is to present a lifestyle show on television.

Houseleek, Anti-Sting Plants

  • Natalie
  • 62
  • 0

In the ``plants that resist everything'' family, ask houseleek! These adorable, hardy mini artichokes are easy to manage and easy to care for.


Take a rather large and shallow container: a reconstituted stone trough, a terracotta basin, a zinc basin, some hollow tiles, cans ... These "reclaimed" habitats make the bed of Houseleeks ( Sempervivum ) . At the bottom, drill a few holes for the flow of water ... these camel-plants do not like foot baths at all.

Spread a bed of gravel 1-3 cm thick that you will cover with a drainage marker.
Fill with potting soil or garden soil by incorporating a few handfuls of small clay balls , pebbles or pozzolana .

Spread these also on the surface, at the foot of the plants, to hide the earth.
You can associate several species of houseleeks with each other or with other plants of the same type, resistant to drought, such as seducing sedums and écheverias ( Echeveria elegans ). Be careful, they are chilly and must be returned under cover in winter.

You can also grow each species in small individual containers, to highlight the different colors and textures, and play on the "collection" effect. Install your plantations in the sun, on a terrace, a balcony, a window sill. Be generous, water them immediately after planting to welcome them, and then let them live their lives.

Go on vacation, forget to water them , you will find them always so spruce.
