His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.

How to adopt chic ethnic decor?

  • Jonathan
  • 70
  • 1

Barrowdur? Obsessed with travel memories? How about decorating with treasures from faraway lands? Bringing you the best ethnic vibes on Pinterest.


When we go on vacation, we often bring back 1001 objects. Want to highlight and decorate your home with? The ethnic style will seduce you!

What is the ethnic style?

The ethnic style is made of harmonious blends. It mixes memories of travels , antique furniture , green plants with a touch of exoticism! Ethnic is what a fighter would have brought back in his suitcases after months of hiking through Africa, Asia, India, Mexico, etc .. Destinations where we give a lot importance to ancestral knowledge and to nature. In color, ethnic style like warm , natural hues and hints of strong colors. And if an adjective was to define the ethnic atmosphere it would be his warm side.

What do you bring back from your vacation?

To succeed in its chic ethnic decoration, you must know that a successful ethnic atmosphere is never a coincidence. Even if, at first sight, it is the impression that this mix of objects gives. For a nice ethnic decor do not accumulate colorful pieces, accessories, frills ... "gipsy" benefits. The ethnic chic is made of precious travel memories highlighted by a well-thought decoration. Rather than fill your suitcases with trinkets, we select the right objects, rare, precious and that really attract us.

Black and white . True value, the black and white style brings a chic side to an ethnic decor. By focusing on these colors, we take little risk ... and we are sure to easily find a place to our holiday memories!

Nature . And more specifically natural materials. It is appreciated in braided objects. Fiber, wicker ... the natural side combined with ancestral know-how is necessarily a good idea. We opt for pretty plates, baskets ...

The recovery . Travel memories, it's also the spirit of recovery! For the colorful touch we put on parts based on recycled materials, and necessarily variegated, sparingly! For example, a carpet falling fabric is chosen.
