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How to care for a leather sofa?

  • Maya
  • 51
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After years of wear and tear, our leather sofas will gradually deteriorate. facelift tips.


A leather sofa , it is certainly solid, but paradoxically, it is also very fragile. By dint of sitting down and lying on it, our sofa is damaged. To keep it healthy, fight against its drying out and give it back its shine, it is also necessary to ensure a regular maintenance. Some tips that help us make our leather sofa almost more beautiful than before.

How to revive the glow of his leather sofa?

Make your leather sofa less dull , even after several years, it is possible. Once a month, with a soft sponge slightly moistened and impregnated with Marseille soap , it is rubbed with circular movements. Without rinsing, it is then dried by dabbing with a soft cloth. Instead of Marseille soap, one can also use a glycerine soap normally used to maintain the saddle of horses. Glycerine has this virtue of protecting the leather . There are now commercial versions to clean and maintain its leather sofa.

The task hunt

Even on the leather of our sofa, some tasks are repairable . You just have to know how to do it ... We first moisten a cotton of cleansing milk (a beauty ally for our sneakers too) and a few drops of white vinegar or a drop of ammonia. The task of the leather sofa is then worked by circular motions. Attention, to avoid enlarging the task , we change cotton as soon as it is dirty. As a precaution, if possible, try a cotton swab in a non-visible place on the sofa. Then let it dry.

To repair the little sores of my leather sofa

Very gently, we pass a pumice stone on the scratch of the leather sofa, then we massage it with a little Vaseline . Let it dry. Finally, wax with wax of the same color as that of leather. Another possible option: hide the hitch with an indelible marker of the same shade or with India ink if the leather is black. You can also give your leather sofa to a professional for a complete renovation but for that, you have to pay several hundred (see thousands) of euros.

Hydrate = care for my leather sofa

Leather is skin. So, finally no need to spend thousands and cents in various products. Milk moisturizer or milk for baby , it can also do very well provided that generously mass his leather sofa with a washcloth sponge .
