His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.

8 Female Celebrities Who Always Inspire Us

  • Justin
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They are phenomenal women and amazing role models who always inspire and motivate us.


We all know and love them. They are phenomenal women and great role models that constantly inspire and motivate us.



1. Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is known not only for her beauty and acting, but also for her huge desire to give back. She constantly works with various charities that help women and children all over the world. She’s passionate about women’s rights, she’s passionate about education, she cares about the environment and she seems to be constantly trying to do something about it, whether it be donating lots of money or traveling the world in order to bring awareness to these issues. Plus she has 6 kids, 3 of whom she adopted to provide them with better opportunities and a better future.

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2. Emma Watson
We all came to know and love Emma as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films. Her character was smart, hardworking and driven, just like Emma was in her childhood and continues to be in her adulthood. She’s invested a lot of her time and effort fighting for gender equality. She’s started a campaign called HeforShe and became a Women’s Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations. And if you’ve seen that glorious speech she did about women’s rights and equality you’ll know she’s putting her heart and soul into this cause.
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3. Oprah
Oprah Winfrey is a phenomenal woman. She’s a great example of how to become mega-successful yet stay normal and humble and in touch with her audience. She has her own super-successful talk show, she’s a businesswoman, a philanthropist, an actress and a producer. She really can do it all. But instead of becoming just another rich celeb she uses her fame and success to showcase other people and help those in need. She constantly donates to charities and she’s known for inviting all sorts of people on her show and helping them out with what they need, be it financially or otherwise.
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4. Willow Smith
Willow Smith has been pushing the boundaries ever since her first hit song “Whip My Hair” came out. She’s being a great role model to little girls and showing them that it’s ok to be different, it’s ok to be yourself and not conform, it’s ok to have big dreams. “I feel like I’m making a difference. I feel like putting out a message for young girls to follow your dreams and just work at what you want to do and be yourself.” – says Willow.
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5. Ellen Degeneres
Ellen is probably the nicest person on American television. She’s just full of kindness and generosity and genuinely good energy that she wants to share with people. She’s a huge role model for the LGBTQ+ community. Ellen is openly gay and she’s had her own talk show on TV since 2003, which has done a great deal to normalize gay couples and make the world a more accepting place. She’s also very passionate about the environment and animal rights.

6. Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga is an amazing woman who’s passionate about her art and self-expression. Her music career is a great example of creativity, uniqueness and willingness to grow as a person and an artist. She’s all about accepting your quirks and differences and whatever it is that makes you not like other people, and instead of trying to change those things – embracing it.
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7. Beyonce
Queen B is such an inspiration. She has a voice that touches millions, she’s got the body of a dream, she’s a business woman and she’s a badass feminist lady. What else could you wish for? She’s just perfect. She’s a role model for women everywhere that you can achieve anything you set your mind to and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you otherwise. After all it was Beyonce who said “who runs the world? – Girls!”.
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8. Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama might not be a celebrity as such, since was on a whole other level when she was the coolest first lady of the USA, but she’s definitely made great strives to make America a better place during her time in the White House. She’s very passionate about health and education and she did her best set better standards for the American people.
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