When she lost her job they could no longer sustain their expensive lifestyle.

Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes

  • Sophia
  • 141
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Halloween’s coming up and you want your kid to look extremely adorable. Still have no ideas what to choose this year? These awesome and hilarious ideas will inspire you. Become the most creative parent ever! 1. Minecraft Costume Many kids are obsessed with the Minecraft game. That's why we've come up with this Minec


Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
Halloween’s coming up and you want your kid to look extremely adorable. Still have no ideas what to choose this year? These awesome and hilarious ideas will inspire you. Become the most creative parent ever!

Minecraft Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
1. Minecraft Costume
Many kids are obsessed with the Minecraft game. That’s why, this Minecraft-inspired costume will receive lots of attention and compliments. The simplicity of this costume makes it easy even to design it by yourself and make it look as close to the character as possible. Choose the character your kid loves the most and he/she will look cool this Halloween night for sure!

Iphone Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
2. iPhone Costume
How about to be an iPhone for Halloween? Good idea nowadays! This costume fits advanced kids who want to get an iPhone but their parents don’t let them have one. You can also make it by yourself using cardboard box, foil, spray paint, glue and some creativity.

Hot Air Ballon Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
3. Hot Air Balloon Costume
Cute and original idea that will make anyone laugh. Can’t find one in a store? Make it by yourself. You just need a cardboard box (basket), socks filled with sand for the sandbags, an old beach ball or a big balloon. Use other stuff at home, your imagination and enjoy the family fun.

Harry Potter Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
4. Harry Potter Costume
Admit it, almost every kid is a fan of Harry Potter. And this is one of the easiest last-minute costumes! There are plenty of Harry Potter costumes for children. But you can make it by yourself with minimum effort and money. Find spare parts of the costume in the Dollar Store and your kid will be the most adorable in the neighborhood!

Baby Mushroom Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
5. Baby Mushroom Costume
This one is our favorite! This costume is quite simple and it fits even 1-year old. Wanna make it yourself? It will only take you a few hours, use common things you have in your kids closet and sewing room scraps.

Mario Brothers Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
6. Mario Brothers Costume
Another easy-to-find or easy to DIY costume for your sweetheart. Choose a hero your kid likes the most and this costume will definitely keep everyone entertained. If you have two little guys (or twins), turn them into Mario and Luigi. And your little girl will look awesome as Princess Peach!

Troll Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
7. Troll Costume
Make your kid the cutest troll we’ve ever seen. Find a nude color clothing in children’s store and order a bright color pointy wig through the internet. Or you can spray and blow-dry kid’s hair (at your own risk). Enjoy!

Edward Scissorshands - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
8. Edward Scissorhands
How about turning your kid into absolutely cute and mysterious Edward Scissorhands? You will have a fun time searching the details and creating the costume by yourself! Have two kids? Dress your daughter as the Queen of Hearts. Edward Scissorhands and the Queen of Hearts will make a cute pairing!

Little Hipster Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
9. Little Hipster
Want something “underground” and unique? This costume is special! Apply temporary tattoos, paint on a little facial hair, find skinny jeans, a pair of converse shoes, v-neck t-shirt, and a cardigan or a vest. Don’t forget about super cool glasses. Voila! A whole new personality!

Lego Costume - Hilarious ideas for kids' Halloween costumes
10. Lego Costume
Simple yet hilarious Lego mini figure costume will make anyone smile. You can create a home Lego man with ease. Make the head using a cereal box rolled and duct taped. The body can be made of cardboard, shaped to fit over your kid’s body. Spray it with paint. Bet you and your kids will have much fun!
