Suddenly she was catapulted into his jet-set lifestyle.

Succulents invite you to bake

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cakes and desserts decorated with cacti and succulents?This is the latest trend as voracious as aesthetics.


They are everywhere in deco and also on our cakes. Succulents and cacti abound on social networks and in our interiors . Hyper photogenic and adapted to survive in arid environments, it must be said that these plants have serious assets to argue. From there to land in the kitchen ...

A dessert flavor cactus or succulent?

However, do not imagine cutting your plants and passing them in the kitchen. The latest trend focuses on their aesthetics, since it involves recreating these plants with sugar paste or butter cream . A business far from easy, unless you have mastered the use of the piping bag! And if you think that the green color is not really compatible with the sweet, we let you lick your chops by discovering in pictures the most beautiful cake decorated with succulent and cactus Pinterest !

A green cake for what occasion?

As it requires work and meticulousness, such a cake is deserved. One can very well make one (or have it done) for an adult birthday : it will be elegant, colorful and stylish on the party table. Cacti butter cream also adorn very well cupcakes, cupcakes almost more appreciated for their aesthetics than for their flavor. Plants are also ideal for (very) special occasions, and more and more brides and grooms choose to decorate their wedding cake . The result is elegant and refined, and changes the traditional floor cake.

Food & Travel