She made some rather barbed comments about my lifestyle.

The most beautiful banana sushi

  • Matthew
  • 97
  • 0

A trend has arrived in France: sushi made from bananas! Banana sushi hits the network. A healthy and gourmet sushi snack.


The sushi bananas: the new food trend

The banana sushi is phenomenon food that finally arrives in France (for the greatest pleasure of our taste buds!). Sweet sushis that agitate the web, and for good reason: Instagrammeuses are fans! It must be said that, in full mode of healthy food , it is a little greedy pleasure very easy to achieve for oneself or for his entourage ... In addition to that, it is not too sweet. Provided you take a banana not too ripe whose glycemic index remains reasonable (in other words: our blood sugar, the blood sugar level, does not soar). And do not drown the banana under pounds of chocolate.

The banana sushi: how to prepare them?

To turn a simple banana into a delicious sushi, it's very simple. We take one or more bananas (we count one per person). It is coated with a chocolate icing , peanut butter or spread (yum!). We then add the topping of our choice like coconut, chia seeds, sesame seeds or pistachios! You have to put everything in the refrigerator for an hour for it to take (that frosting harden) and then cut the banana into slices not too thin. Finally, you can plant some small wooden picks or eat Japanese style armed with chopsticks. Enjoy your meal !

Treat yourself with our slideshow of 10 sushi bananas spotted on Pinterest!

Food & Travel