Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle .

Fitness exercises to do (discreetly) in the office

  • Madeline
  • 79
  • 0

Hard to motivate yourself to chain a workout after a day of work? What if you could do your fitness exercises at the office?


It's the dream of any budding sportsman : to be able to convert lost time to the office in real time to train! Gainage, fitness movements: follow the guide to practice daily (and discreetly) sports at your workplace. No, we're not going to push you to do yoga in the elevator ... though.

  • Work his legs

The legs parallel to the ground

Sit on your office chair, without slouching. Put your hands on each side of the seat. Then stretch your legs parallel to the ground and stay for 5 to 10 seconds. Then fold your legs and exhale slowly. Repeat this exercise 10 times!

The cladding of the calves

As soon as you have to move into the open space, do not hesitate to do it on tiptoe. So certainly, it is probably not very natural as a gait, but the effect on your calves will be immediate!

Muscle her thighs

Sit in front of your seat (your thighs should not touch the chair). Then lift your right leg, parallel to the ground as in the first exercise. The difference with this exercise is that you have to hold it for 30 seconds, especially since you have to put pressure on your raised thigh. Yes, you can also put an encyclopedia to keep your hands free ...

  • Work his abs

Here is a simple exercise to work your lap belt! And you will not need to lie down under your desk or in a hallway.

Just sit there, back straight and shoulders relaxed, behind your desk. Your legs are open the width of your hips, feet straight. To work your abdominals, just take off your feet a few inches from the ground and stay in balance for 10 seconds by contracting your abs well. Its good ? You can start again 5 or 6 times in a row.

  • Work your buttocks

In rhythm on his office chair

Simple and effective: the sheathing of the buttocks! We will not advise you to twercker in the elevator. Unless you really want to ...

This gluteal strengthening exercise is simple to perform and very discreet, as long as you do not bounce too much on your office chair. Contract your buttocks 30 times by blowing well, rest for 10 seconds then start again.

Tip: you feel less pain, when you move in rhythm with a catchy music.

  • Work his arms

Master the stretches

Two types of exercises for your arms, are easily achievable at the office. The first is to stretch with unlocking knots in your back and shoulders. Sitting behind your desk, the right bust, raise your arms by crossing your hands and pointing your palms toward the ceiling. Inhale while descending the arms, and exhale while pushing on the palms (as for you to grow). Repeat this movement a dozen times.

Muscle her biceps

Only exercise to practice with an accessory: a bottle of water of a liter. This exercise is the transposition in open space of the small movements you make with your dumbbells in the gym: straight back, right angle arm, grab the bottle and mount it 10 times in a row. Then change hands and start again.

All these fitness exercises are perfectly achievable in the office, in all discretion. But if you flout the eyes of others, you can swap your office chair for a SwissBall or sprint in the hallway ... However, we want to see your exploits in video!
