Suddenly she was catapulted into his jet-set lifestyle.

Iron Important for Oxygenation

  • Matthew
  • 69
  • 0

Iron is an essential trace element regardless of age. Without them, the cells of the human body cannot function properly. Discover its various functions and the foods it contains the most.


The role of iron in the body

Iron is a trace element that plays a key role in oxygenating the body. Indeed, it is an essential element of hemoglobin which distributes throughout the body the oxygen that one breathes. Iron is also found in myoglobin (a substance that allows muscles to store oxygen). Absorbed by the intestine, it also allows the activity of several proteins and enzymes.

Iron deficiency can lead to headaches or irritability. This is a common problem around the world. But in recent years, researchers have also been studying excess iron because humans do not have a mechanism to eliminate it. Normally, the human body is able to regulate its needs, that is to say that it draws iron in food according to the reserves it already has.

Iron needs

A man needs about 9 mg of iron a day, just like a menopausal woman. But adolescents and women are advised to consume at least 11 mg. Pregnant women have a bigger need still (up to 35 mg).

If there are iron tablets, some foods contain a large amount. This is the case of whole grain cereals, dark green vegetables, legumes such as lentils or red meat. Also know that vitamin C forms a very good combination with iron and allows better absorption if it is consumed at the same meal.
