Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics

Fast Walking: What if you learned to walk (again) instead of running?

  • Justin
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Running or roller skating is often considered one of the best ways to get cardio. But brisk walking is a sport with multiple benefits, both in terms of health and fitness. point of its advantage.


Praised for its simplicity and non-traumatic virtues for the joints, the brisk walk - or sports walk - sees its rating back to the athletes.

David Costa, bodybuilding and nutrition expert and author of the book "Musclée & Sexy: the guide to bodybuilding 100% feminine", recommends light and low intensity activities - such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling or rollerblading. - to maximize lipolysis, that is to say the loss of fat.

The brisk walk, an activity for all

"The brisk walk is too unpopular with sportswomen, who sometimes think wrongly that violence with running is much more effective than walking briskly.Sure, the intensity of effort must be consistent to evolve, but it Just put it right, and combine it with bodybuilding for more efficiency, "says the coach.

Patrick Bacquaert, chief medical officer of the IRBMS and a consultant in sports medicine and sport, said that brisk walking can, on average, burn between 200 and 300 calories per hour.

Be careful, however, to take into account the proportional relationship between your weight and your speed to make the count of your caloric expenses.

A sport that strengthens the lower limbs and abs

Thanks to the brisk walking, we mainly ask the leg muscles such as the quadriceps, the ischios, the calves, the glutes but also, the abs and the spinal muscles (muscles of the column).

Patrick Bacquaert confirms: "the lower limbs and the abdominopelvic strap are the most stressed, if you walk with sticks, the arms are too, and the pendulum movement favors sheathing".

And to avoid any risk of injury during exercise, Patrick Bacquaert advises keeping your shoulders relaxed and keeping your back straight for a good arm balance. "You have to look straight ahead to avoid" kyphosis "(to do the round back)," he adds.

Two one-hour sessions a week to see first results

Interesting for overweight people, for people with joint problems, for those wishing to improve their basic endurance (low endurance endurance), brisk walking can combine outdoor activity and energy expenditure: the ideal, therefore, for people for whom jogging is still too hard physically.

Practiced regularly, it also helps to improve heart rate, breathing, balance and muscle tone.

The benefits of brisk walking

On the other hand, it must be remembered that the results will not be very pronounced if one does not adopt a varied and balanced diet.

"So I recommend doing brisk walking, two sessions of one hour or three sessions of 30 to 45 minutes per week, in addition to bodybuilding, because as an activity alone, it is incomplete" says David Costa. It only remains to put on your sneakers!
