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Rice, pasta, potatoes: which starch to choose? The

  • Leo
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starchy family includes grains and grain products such as bread and rice, and legumes such as potatoes, pasta, and lentils. Find starchy foods to prioritize in your diet!

Rice and other starchy foods: an important diversification
Rice , pasta, potatoes and other starchy foods are all very important sources of carbohydrates. These are the main source of energy for the body. Ideally, carbohydrates should account for 50% to 55% of daily food intake. Hence the usual recommendation to incorporate a portion of starch at each meal of the day ... Preferably by varying the starches used! There is no question of eating only rice or pasta: in addition to carbohydrates, each starch provides other important nutrients to the body. Rice, for example, contains a lot of manganese and selenium, while potatoes are mostly rich in copper and vitamin B6. By diversifying your starchy foods, you consume a wider range of nutrients needed by your body.

Brown rice, wholemeal bread and other starchy foods

Within the same category, some starchy foods are more interesting than others nutritionally. The main principle is to focus as much as possible on complete starchy foods to the detriment of refined products. Whole starch contains more nutrients than refined products. In addition, they are very rich in dietary fiber quickly giving a feeling of satiety - hence the interest of consuming it even during the diet and favor the rice (or brown rice) to white rice. In the same way, whole bread is significantly more interesting than white bread from a nutritional point of view. You'll also want to use whole wheat flour in your recipes instead of white flour ...
