She had to change her lifestyle and eating habits.

The Portfolio Plan

  • Maya
  • 84
  • 0

Here is a diet four in one! Anti-cholesterol, anti-hypertension, anti-inflammatory and anti-kilos! If its major asset is that it significantly reduces cholesterol levels, the Portfolio is also good for the line and avoids cravings! Explanations.


Who is the Portfolio Plan for?
For all those who want to see their cholesterol lower and adopt good eating habits, but also for those who want to keep the line by taking care of their heart.

The Basics of the Portfolio Plan:
The principle is to feed on foods that have each proven effective against cholesterol:
- soluble fiber, which help eliminating the bad cholesterol (oatmeal, apple, tangerine, dried beans, agar, shiratakis, almonds ...)
- the good fats, such as olive oil (which lowers cholesterol and prevents its oxidation due to omega 9 and antioxidants it contains) and rapeseed oil (good for the heart, it increases slightly the rate of "good cholesterol"). Butter can be eaten in very small quantities, only in the morning on toast.
- fruit and vegetables (eggplant, green beans, strawberries ...)
- fish and lean meat (salmon, chicken, turkey, veal, seafood ...)

Typical Day :
- breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit 2 or 3 slices of whole grain bread or cereals 1 tablespoon of almond puree 1 unsweetened tea
- lunch: 1 small box of lentils in salad with a tomato 1/2 red pepper 2 slices of turkey ham or chicken 1 plain yoghurt with soya
- snack: 1 apple 3 squares of dark chocolate 1 unsweetened tea
- dinner: 2 grated carrots accompanied by 1 tablespoon of oil and the juice of a lemon a salmon papillotte with vegetables 1 natural yogurt with sheep's milk 1 small raspberry tray

The advantages of the Portfolio Plan:
Originally, this diet was designed to lower cholesterol levels. The results were amazing! It competes with statins (drugs No. 1 against cholesterol). But this diet is also 100% slimming and antifringales!
In addition, it is a custom-made diet: everyone can choose from those cholesterol foods the ones that suit him best.

The least of the Portfolio Plan:
An excess of soluble fiber can constipate by mechanical blockage, especially if the fluid intake is insufficient. Therefore, drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day.

I want to know more about the Portfolio Plan:
"The Portfolio Plan, Your Anti-Cholesterol Passport", by Anne Dufour and Isabelle Delaleu at Leduc's editions
