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What are the alternatives to antibiotics?

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antibiotics are less effective if used incorrectly. But how are we treated? Our Track...


Do without antibiotics: instructions for use

The key message is there: the less antibiotics you consume, the more effective they will be.

Why should we avoid taking too much? Because of bacterial resistance !
Our body normally houses bacteria that are sensitive to certain antibiotics, but also bacteria that resist them. When we take an antibiotic that does not know how to destroy resistant bacteria , they will develop at the expense of their drug-sensitive counterparts.

Every year in Europe, 25,000 patients die from an infection linked to multidrug-resistant bacteria that could not be defeated for lack of effective treatment. We must lift our foot to preserve our immunity. Not easy: we would be 41% of adults to think that antibiotics cure "everything, right now" * and, logical consequence of this belief, two doctors out of five claim to be under pressure from their patients to prescribe, even if these drugs are not needed **. Because antibiotics, we can do without them. Not all the time, of course. And there, let the doctor decide calmly of his prescription without asking him anything. Especially since many infections, like colds or flu, are due to viruses on which antibiotics have no impact. Case by case, the solutions to avoid abusing it.

* BVA Barometer, March 2010. ** IMS Health, 2009.

Conjunctivitis, we choose the right eye drops

We lift our feet. Most of the time, conjunctivitis is viral or allergic. Antibiotics will therefore most often be useless .

What are we replacing?

It is enough to use a saline solution in single dose or distilled water with sedatives such as Dos'Optrex (Pierre Fabre Laboratories) or Homéoptic (Boiron), or an eyewash made of homeopathic medicines, like Calendula officinalis with soothing properties. . On the other hand, antiseptic eye drops , supposed to avoid bacterial superinfections, have not proved their effectiveness.

When do we alert?

In case of intense pain or visual disturbances (visual field reduction, flies passing in front of the eyes, blurred vision ...) or when the pain is unilateral. Quickly, we make an appointment with the doctor or the ophthalmologist!

Otitis, attention to the eardrum

We lift our feet. Otitis is an inflammation - hence the pain - often of viral origin linked to a cold that could be developed the previous days. In an adult, in the absence of high fever, and if the pain is moderate, no antibiotic. Otitis heals in 5 to 10 days. In very young children (less than 2 years old), otitis is bacterial in 70% of cases. There, it is necessary.

What are we replacing?

A hot water bottle on the ear can ease the pain. If the latter is intense, one alternates every 3 hours paracetamol (1 g) and ibuprofen (400 mg). Ear solutions (containing an anesthetic or vasoconstrictor), sold without a prescription, should not be used unless a doctor has verified that the eardrum is not perforated (this is a contraindication). In a toddler, you must clean your nose with saline and nose one nose after another, this is sometimes enough to remove the pain .

When do we alert?

If this does not happen after 48 hours, if the signs are very intense or if the fever appears. By examining the eardrum, the doctor will adjust (or not) the treatment.

Rhinopharyngitis (cold), let the body defend itself

We lift our feet. "A neat cold lasts a week, an untreated cold lasts 7 days" says the saying. In short, it is linked to a virus (a hundred of them may be the cause). The body must then defend itself and this can last 10 days. Antibiotics will not make it heal faster.

What are we replacing?

We take care of the troublesome symptoms: the runny nose, the steamed head ... For this, we regularly clean the nose with saline and we blow ourselves: this is the way the body evacuates the virus. Do not forget to wash your hands after touching the contaminated handkerchief: 70% of colds are hand-to-hand! If you also have burning throat and fever, you pick it in your medicine box and opt for ibuprofen 400 mg and paracetamol 1 g (alternately: every 3 hours, we take one, then 3 hours later, take the other). What about Actifed® (Johnson & Johnson), Humex® Cold (Urgo)? They contain both assets that stop the flow and painkillers. Some even have antihistamines to dry out nasal secretions. In homeopathy, we take from the first flows drugs type Allium cepa 9 CH (3 granules 5 times a day), or even 1 tablet every hour of Coryzalia (Boiron) except for cases of otitis or associated sinusitis.

When do we alert?

As soon as the flow turns yellow or fever appears. The doctor will only offer antibiotics if there is clear superinfection or a risk of sinusitis. Warning: taking antibiotics early in the cold to prevent superinfection is stupid, it is even the best way to cause bacterial resistance.

Angina, we pass the test

We lift our feet. "Angina is viral in 75 to 90% of cases (especially in children under 3 years)," says the primary health insurance fund in one of his booklets. In addition, it is difficult to miss an angina that is due to a bacterium: the doctor has, indeed, a free salivary test, the TDR, to identify the origin of angina in a few minutes .

What are we replacing?

This type of angina heals on its own in 4 or 5 days simply by treating the symptoms. So, as long as the throat burns, paracetamol is not skimmed (up to 3 g / day, ie 6 tablets of 500 mg) or ibuprofen (3 tablets of 400 mg / day max). It combines antiseptic and anesthetic drugs like Angi-Spray (Merck MF), Drill lozenges (Pierre Fabre Drug) or Solutricine Tetracaine tablets (Sanofi-Aventis). And in this area, grandma's remedies are proving effective. So you can try the gargles with warm salt water, or - it's softer - herbal tea of ​​sage or chamomile. In herbal medicine department : softening herbal medicines such as Activox (Arkopharma) or Euphon tablets (Mayoly-Spindler) are chosen. Homeopathy: Arum triphyllum, Poconéol n ° 25 drinkable (Pierre Fabre Drug).

When do we alert?

If, after 48 hours, there is no improvement or fever appears, consult, especially in children over 3 years. If the rapid diagnostic test (RDT) reveals that it is a bacterial infection and that angina does not subside, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics for a specific period of time to be followed to the letter. . In case of severe pain, it can add corticosteroids to quickly reduce inflammation.

Acute bronchitis, one gets hydrated

We lift our feet.

"Acute bronchitis is a common viral infection (10 million cases per year) that is cured naturally in healthy adults without antibiotics," says the primary health insurance fund.

What are we replacing?
We use what to calm cough, ie bronchial fluidifiers (syrups) that facilitate the evacuation of phlegm. In addition, the mucous membranes are moisturized using inhalations doped with antiseptic essential oils , based on thyme (a general disinfectant) and ravintsara, niaouli (to clean the bronchi) and eucalyptus (to breathe better) . We can opt for mixes already ready type Perubore® (Mayoly-Spindler), Calyptol Inhalant® (Techni Pharma) ... To promote the evacuation of mucus present in the bronchi, it is essential to drink a lot, for example, herbal teas well hot sweet with honey, which will reduce the discomfort of coughing.

When do we alert?
If the cough is accompanied by a fever for more than 48 hours or if it does not pass after 72 hours, or if there is a history of risk (diabetes, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, immunocompromised person), doctor.

The auscultation will allow him to distinguish between bronchitis, most often viral (no antibiotic), tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea), which does not require antibiotic, or pneumopathy (infection of the lungs) which will be fought by antibiotic.

Cystitis, we put on the cranberry

We lift our feet.

The urinary tract infection is most often caused by a bacterium of intestinal origin (E. coli). It is therefore a good reason to attack antibiotics in cases of infrequent cystitis. But when we are really prone to this type of infection, we will not spend 12 months of the year under antibiotic!

What are we replacing?

By cures of cranberry (species Vaccinium macrocarpon, the only one whose effectiveness has been proven scientifically), in prevention of recurrences. Thanks to its anti-adhesive power, Cranberry eliminates bacteria stuck to the walls of the bladder. We can therefore space the attacks and avoid excessive antibiotics. Just take a dose of 36 mg of PAC (proanthocyanidins, active ingredients of cranberry) per day and be careful to drink enough (1.5 l to 2 l / day). Other precautions: wear cotton briefs, wipe from front to back, urinate after intercourse, fight constipation (persistence of stool near the urinary tract promotes microbial growth).

And in case of crisis?

We will see his doctor who will prescribe an ECBU (cytobacteriological examination of urine) to look for traces of bacteria and the appropriate antibiotic. In 2 days, the case is closed. We can also try to get through the crisis with cranberry, even if there are no official recommendations: from the first genes, we triple the recommended doses, that is to say 3 tablets or 3 sachets. Urell (Pharmatoka) or Urisanol (Pierre Fabre) or Cys-control (Arkopharma), and one drinks a lot to rid the bladder of the germs which are likely to multiply there. You can buy urine strips (pharmacy) on which you check the nitrates (sign of presence of bacteria) and leucocytes (sign of inflammation). If the test is positive, it means that there is a bacterium. If you choose to treat with cranberry and the color of the strip still indicates traces of bacteria, we go to antibiotics.

When do we alert?

If in 48 hours there is no improvement, we must switch to antibiotics to prevent the bacteria spread to the kidneys. Caution if there is fever, chills, tremors or pains in the lower back, the kidneys may be affected, it is pyelonephritis, to be treated by strong antibiotics.
