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What is Electrolipolysis, a Cellulite Removal Technique?

  • Allison
  • 75
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Among aesthetic medicine techniques, electrolipolysis is the place to fight cellulite. If orange peel skin often resists all dieting efforts, electrolipolysis could be a solution to keep it from going through the liposuction box.


How does electrolipolysis work?

Electrolipolysis uses low-intensity electrical current to rid the skin of fatty deposits stored there. Cellulite, or orange peel, is not aesthetic and even if you are thin, you may be concerned because it affects most women. Often, a change of diet can diminish its appearance and, if it is due to water retention, all is not lost.

Electrolipolysis has good results against this scourge of the silhouette. The technique is not painful despite the use of electric current. Only a doctor can practice electrolipolysis. A session always begins with the application of an anesthetic cream so as not to suffer. The electric current passes through thin needles that the doctor introduces under the skin, at the level of the hypodermis, to target areas where cellulite has settled. Electrical power is then sent for nearly 1 hour by the hands.


Photo credit: IStock / stefanoborsani

Electrolipolysis, for whom?

If electrolipolysis has very good results in getting rid of cellulite, it is not a miracle solution either. It is recommended only if you have a poorly developed cellulite and is much more effective on cellulite adipose type, that is to say related to excess weight. Do not think that your cellulite problem will be solved in two sessions of electrolipolysis. You will have to make some efforts on your side to accompany them and to obtain convincing and lasting results. In addition to electrolipolysis, to reduce cellulite, you will need to change your diet by reducing your fat intake and increasing your water intake. A regular sport activity will also be welcome. Finally, the application, in massages, of treatments against cellulite will also help you.

Effects and risks of electrolipolysis

The effects of electrolipolysis are obviously the reduction or even the complete disappearance of cellulite. The better your lifestyle, the better the results. The action of electrolipolysis requires about 6 to 8 sessions, all of which should be spaced 2 weeks apart. After each session, you may see redness on your skin. It's just temporary irritation caused by needles. Generally, no trace remains after a few hours.

But electrolipolysis is not recommended in some people, especially those suffering from heart problems, epilepsy or blood circulation disorders.

If you have a metal IUD, or other metal-containing implant, you can not benefit from electrolypolysis.
