She has a lifestyle which most people would envy.

The Father-Daughter Bond Some mothers will be jealous that

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's Benny Harlem and his baby daughter Jaxyn got married because of their gorgeous natural hairstyles. Their bond obviously goes beyond that, but it's their beautiful hair that gets everyone's attention and is the reason they are so popular on the internet.


Fathers all over the world find different ways to bond with their daughters. Some are lucky that their little girls are tomboys, so they can bond over sports, others have to deal with their little ladies putting makeup on them, having tea parties and dressing up as princesses for Halloween.
Benny Harlem and his little daughter Jaxyn bonded over their beautiful natural hairdos. Their bond obviously goes further than that, but it’s their lovely hair that got everyone’s attention and what’s making them popular all over the Internet.
Benny Harlem is a model, music artist and arguably the best dad in the world. He’s made it his mission in life to teach his daughter how to be confident in your own skin and proud of your heritage. He’s making sure to give little Jaxyn as much care and attention as he possibly can in hopes that she will grow up to be a strong, confident and happy woman.



1. Look at this duo. Don’t they look badass?




2. They have such a loving relationship


3. That hair though, it defies gravity

4. ”The only way for me to protect her for LIFE is to Prepare her for LIFE. – I AM MY DAUGHTERS KEEPER.”



5.“Fathers be good to your daughters.”– John Mayer


6. “Fatherhood is a miracle and an honor.” – Benny Harlem

7. Daddy why do we look like the cover of those inspirational CD’s we love so much❤️??



8. When she literally has her father wrapped around her finger


9. ”I put my child on a pedestal. What my daughter knows is that if she loves herself first, love will align in her friendships, relationships, and all aspects of her life” – Benny Harlem
