The city lifestyle seems to suit her – she’s certainly looking very well.

Flowers to Save the Bees

  • Jonathan
  • 80
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On June 15-24, 2018, billions of flowers were planted during the week of 'Flowers for Bees'. The purpose of this public event is to feed and protect these endangered insects.


The French Observatory Apidologie, its patrons and plant professionals are mobilizing again this year and launch the 2nd edition of the Week "Flowers for the Bees." From June 15 to 24, 2018, everyone can take action to save endangered bees.

A citizen challenge to save bees

On the occasion of this citizen's challenge, billions of flowers, trees and honey plants will be sown by more than 10,000 mobilized ambassadors , but also by all those who will want to make a gesture for the planet. Everyone will be able to act by sowing food for bees, a species that is critically endangered. For the occasion, some 700 plant professionals (garden centers, florists, horticulturists, nurserymen, landscapers ...) throughout France will offer seeds to plant to beautify planters, balconies, terraces, green spaces ... in short, everywhere where possible! More than twenty foundations, companies and professional organizations will also be partners in this event.

Bees, a species in danger of extinction

Around the world, bee colonies are threatened with extinction . If the reasons are multiple, one accuses pesticides, parasites, pathologies or the lack of food resources. This decline has mostly direct consequences on world crops , since nearly 1/3 of them depend on pollination. And without bees to forage , the planet would be devoid of flowers, fruits and vegetables. It is therefore impossible to feed 7.5 billion people on Earth without the help of pollinators. Ensuring the future of bees , therefore, ensures the future of humans.

Info: To participate and find out the list of partner companies, visit
